Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

sista's convocation or holiday with my besties ??

sangat confius....seriously mmg x tahu nak pilih... 50-50....
kalau nak pegi my sista convo, mesti teringat2 holiday tue...seronoknya dapat bersuka ria bersama my besties :: nurul and zarina...

tapi kalau pegi holiday, mesti teringat2 family nanti...and kesian gak kat en.suami saya kerana terpaksa tinggal kat umah sorg2...haihhhh~

but after get some advices from elders :: Mak Ngah and Kak D...... i finally made up my mind to go for my sista's convocation... yeahh !! they are come first... holiday bila2 pun boleh.... harap2 x tersalah la buat keputusan kali nih....

to dear nurul and zarina;
i'm so sorry ... may b we can plan other holiday trip next time... hope u guys will enjoy the trip... =)

to my dear sista ::
happy convo k.... dun worry, everybody will attend ur special day , Insya'allah...

Ya Allah,
permudahkanlah segala urusan kami dan selamatkanlah perjalanan pergi dan balik kami sekeluarga serta sahabat2 baik saya ke setiap destinasi yang kami tujui... amin ~


yana_liya said...

Aminnn...insya allah...hehehehe

ciwa said...

yeehaaa.....kenny rogers please.hahahaa